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Parks and Recreation Comittee Minutes 3-3-10
4142010_90757_0.pngBolton Parks & Recreation Commission

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
7:30 p.m. ET
Bolton Town Hall, Downstairs (Sel. Room)
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010, Bolton Town Hall, Downstairs
Invitees / Attendees

 * In Attendance             # Unexpected Absence             @ Expected Absence               + Visitor                 
Karen Regan, chairperson, P&R
David Cudmore, Still River Outfitters
Joyce Sidopoulos, P&R
Tom Wildman, P&R
Tom Pokorney, P&R
Susan Greene, P&R

Decision Description
Approved By
  • Approved January 22, 2010; February 3, 2010, February 8, 2010 and February 22, 2010 meeting minutes.
  • Regan, Sidopoulos
  • (1/22, 2/3 and 2/8 minutes preceded Wildman’s position on P&R)
  • Established application submission dates for seasonal sports leagues.  The deadlines will be:
Spring Season: February 1
Summer Season: April 1
Fall Season: July1  
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to include a “fee waiver” as part of the fee schedule process to help document investments to fields/facilities by private groups.
Motion: Wildman.  Seconded: Sidopoulos
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Granted Regan permission to approve lacrosse application outside of open meeting, as long as the request did not conflict with current approved calendar.
Motion: Wildman.  Seconded: Sidopoulos
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Granted Regan permission to organize lifeguards for 2010 season.
Motion: Wildman.  Seconded: Sidopoulos
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to move lifeguard start date to Saturday, June 19, 2010.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to compensate lifeguard Tim Klouda to install buoys.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Approved spring/summer program announcement and communication plan.
Motion: Wildman.  Seconded: Sidopoulos
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Approved Easter communications for website and newspaper.
Motion: Wildman.  Seconded: Sidopoulos
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Approved Yoga Program plan.
Motion: Wildman.  Seconded: Sidopoulos
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed that Breen, yoga instructor, shall deduct any needed equipment purchases from the 15% sponsorship payment she will make to the town. Breen to itemize her expenditures for the Commission’s records.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to move forward with the “Take a Walk; Take in a Game” walking program for seniors.  
Motion: Sidopoulos Seconded: Wildman
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to allocate funds toward purchasing water for seniors for “break” at Memorial Field House during walking program.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to tentatively reschedule Chili Cook Off on Sunday, April 25 at Memorial Field.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to nominate Tom Wildman – 1 year; Daniel Teague – 3-year and Lori Colby – 3-year at Town Caucus on March 15.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Approved annual report summary.
  • Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to allow Friends of Bolton Seniors to sell their beach blankets at the swim and kayaking registration.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Agreed to add a “news and announcements,” “meet the commission” and “photo of the month” links to the webpage.
Motion: Wildman.  Seconded: Sidopoulos
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
Action Items

Action Item
Due Date
  • Email Linda Day finalized meeting minutes, with changes incorporated.
  • Regan
  • 3/4/10
  • Include new application deadlines for spring, summer and fall leagues on updated application and post online
  • Regan
  • 4/7/10
  • Review application and follow-up email from lacrosse president and schedule the fields for the spring season.
  • Regan
  • 3/9/10
  • Incorporate edits to fee schedule.
  • Wildman
  • 4/7/10
  • Share Commission’s idea on other walking programs for seniors with the Friends of Bolton Seniors.
  • Regan
  • 3/4/10
  • Organize site walk at horse ring with Carol Gumbart, conservation commission director.
  • Regan
  • TBD
  • Review Open Space Plan/Attend Meeting
  • TEAM
  • 3/30/10
  • Update site with brochure from SRO
  • Regan
  • 3/4/10
  • Review website/calendar and provide feedback.
  • TEAM`
  • 4/7/10
  • Order portable bathrooms from Dave’s Septic for April 1 – Nov. 1
  • Regan
  • 3/15/10
  • Add a “news and announcements,” “meet the commission” and “photo of the month” links to the webpage.
  • Regan
  • 3/5/10
  • Agenda/Minutes
  • Review January 22, 2010;  February 3, 2010; February 8 and February 22 meeting minutes and action items (Team)
  • Feedback, comments and approval on minutes (Team)
  • Finalize minutes and send to Linda and Pam. (Team/Susan)
Approved the 1/22/10; 2/3/10; 2/8/10 & 2/22/10 meeting minutes.  Team signed and submitted to Town Clerk.

  • Finalize  Rules & Regulations document (Team/Karen)
  • Review edits made in February 22 meeting and approve final document
Agreed to move to April 7 meeting.  Sports applications have already been submitted and approved so it’s too late to put the new rules and regulations into effect for the spring season.  Wildman suggested having a cutoff date for applications (for spring, summer and fall seasons).  Teams could submit after the date, but the teams who submitted by the deadline would get priority.  Regan and Sidopoulos agreed and with Wildman decided that going forward the dates, which would be included on the application, would be:
  • Spring Season: February 1
  • Summer Season: April 1
  • Fall Season: July 1
  • Finalize Application and Permitting Process (Team)
  • Review updated application forms
  • Establish permitting process
Agreed to move to April 7 meeting.

  • Fee Schedule (Team/Tom W.)
  • Review fee schedule for field/facility use
Wildman presented a fee schedule for Bolton field, park and facility rental.  The schedule included field priority by classifying each type of organization.  Sidopoulos and Regan approved the layout and structure of the document.  After discussing, the Commission agreed to the following changes:
  • Change Nashoba Regional District to Florence Sawyer under Class 1;
  • Add “…that secure Bolton” to the sentence “Non-profit sports organizations and teams …” under Class 3
  • Add “…and institutions” to “private schools” under Class 3.
  • Transpose the organizations under Class 4 and Class 5
  • Change the fees for class 5 and class 6 to $150/use
Wildman also suggested giving Class 3 organizations the opportunity to submit a fee waiver based on the investments individual groups have made toward the field/facility.  The Commission agreed with this approach as it would keep a town record of the work and investments made into different fields/facilities.  The Commission felt this would both benefit/protect the Town and the individual organization(s).  Wildman to incorporate edits/feedback and the Commission will review the updated version at their April 7 meeting.

  • Review Field Requests (Team)
  • Review spring lacrosse request
The Commission had requested additional information from the lacrosse president and he had sent a follow up email with the details needed to schedule the league for the spring season.  Although the Commission had his follow-up email, the original spring season application was not in the scheduling-binder.  The Commission agreed to give Regan permission to review the application with the follow up email and schedule the spring Lacrosse season as to not delay the process.  The Commission granted Regan authority to schedule the lacrosse league outside of an open meeting, as long as the season did not conflict with any approved-scheduled events/leagues.
  • NOTE: Regan reviewed and approved the lacrosse field use application for the spring 2010 season after the March 3, 2010 Parks and Recreation meeting.  The approved spring schedule is as follows:
Nashoba Lacrosse
Derby and Tower
Derby – 4:30 p.m. – Dusk Mon. – Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Saturday.  9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sunday.
Tower – 4:30 p.m. – dusk Mon.- Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Saturday.
Practices start as soon as fields are available (per DPW/P&R), Games start April 11.~ End Date: June 20
Yes.~ Regan.  


  • Town Beach (Team/Karen)
  • Organize Lifeguards
The Commission granted Regan authority to organize the lifeguards for the 2010 summer season.  Regan informed the Commission that the FY10 budget was short two hours if the guard start date remained Monday, June 14.  Given the delayed school year, the Commission decided to move the lifeguard start date to Saturday, June 19, 2010.  This would more than cover the deficit and allow the Commission to compensate a guard to install the buoys in early June.  The Commission agreed to pay the guard to install the buoys this season since the delayed guard date would free the necessary wages to cover the work.  Regan to coordinate with guard, Tim Klouda, on a date/time in June to install buoys.

  • Swim Lesson Communications
The Commission reviewed the spring/summer programs announcement and communication plan.  The Commission approved the announcement and communication plan.

  • Organize spring pond clean up/set date
Commission agreed to table conversation to Wednesday, April 7, 2010 meeting.

  • Distribution of comped beach permits
Regan informed the Commission that the 2010 Beach Permits were printed and that she had created a letter to be sent to the families who earned a comped beach permit in 2009.  The letters and permits were to be mailed out the week of March 1, 2010.
  • Yoga
  • Update on program (Karen)
Regan informed the Commission that she confirmed the program and program costs with the yoga instructor.  She also conferred with Terry Abdalian (Friends of Bolton Seniors) with regard to the Wisdom Yoga program.  The final decision was that the Commission will receive 15% of registration for the adult and teen yoga programs, but will not take a sponsorship percentage for the senior program.  The adult and teen yoga programs would cost $80/session and the senior program will cost $30/session.  The Friends of Bolton Seniors will offset the registration for Bolton-based seniors, paying $2.00 per class, equaling $12 per session, per senior.  Regan informed the Commission that she still needed to confirm space at Davis Hall for the spring sessions, the rain date summer sessions and the summer Wisdom Yoga sessions.  Regan said that she told Breen that the Town (P&R) would cover facility costs at Davis Hall, but she would request that the senior sessions would be free-of-charge.  That is still TBD.  Further, Regan said the Commission would cover equipment costs (i.e., blocks and straps).  However, Regan told Breen that the Commission would like to wait until after registration before requesting additional funds from Advisory to cover the equipment costs.  Wildman and Sidopoulos approved the plan presented by Regan.

With regard to equipment cost/needs, Wildman suggested that Breen deduct these purchases from the 15% sponsorship payment she will make to the town. The Commission agreed with the compensation plan and Regan will instruct Breen to delay any further investment in equipment until after registration, when we will have a better sense of the interest level.  Regan to ask Breen to itemize her expenditures for the Commission’s records.

  • Senior Walking Program
  • Update on idea for “Talk a Walk, Take in a Game” (Karen)
Regan informed the Commission of the discussion she had with the Friends of Bolton Seniors to establish a walking program for seniors.  Regan said she felt that the Commission should focus on “active seniors” since collectively we do not have the health care background to establish programs for seniors with physical limitations.  The Commission agreed that programs with special needs would be best planned by the Friends of Bolton Seniors or the Senior Center.  

The Commission discussed the benefits of the Friends of Bolton Seniors joining with different commissions, groups or committees to provide a variety of walking programs.  Sidopoulos suggested that the Friends of Bolton Seniors partner with the Friends of Bolton Library to do a literature –based walk, followed by a book club.  Regan shared her idea of “Take a Walk; Take in a Game,” which would lead seniors on a healthy-paced walk from the senior center to Memorial Field to watch a baseball/softball game and then walk the wooded trail back to the senior center.  For seniors who were interested in abbreviated walk, a second start point would be established at the Mechanic/Main Street intersection.  Sidopoulos suggested opening Memorial Field House as a stopping point and Wildman added we could provide waters for the seniors prior to game (Commission agreed to provide water).

  • Approval from Commission to proceed
The Commission approved the program and Sidopoulos agreed to help organize the walk.  The walks would be contingent on the BYB schedule.  Once the schedule is finalized, the Parks and Recreation Commission will post a physical copy in the senior center and also post it electronically on the Parks and Recreation website.  Regan shared the brief she drafted for the spring/summer announcement and the team approved the copy.  Regan is awaiting final approval from the Friends of Bolton Seniors.

  • Lacrosse Fields
  • Arrange date/time for a site visit to evaluate Derby and Horse Ring for Lacrosse fields.  Need to coordinate with Lacrosse representatives, DPW and Conservation Commission.
The Commission to try and schedule a meeting late March to evaluate Horse Ring.  Regan informed the Commission that Carol Gumbart, Conservation Commission Director, had requested a site walk to review the property.

  • Review Event Calendar for 2010
  • Planning discussion for 2010 events
Moved to April 7 meeting.
  • Discuss new ideas for events/activities for 2010
Moved to April 7 meeting.
  • Chili cook off reschedule
Sidopoulos suggested to reschedule the chili cook off on Sunday, April 25, 2010 during the BYB season-opener (note- not Opening Day).  Date/time contingent on weather and BYB schedule.  The Commission agreed.
  • Review Open Space Plan as part of 2010 planning
Moved to April 7 meeting.  (NOTE: after meeting, ConComm sent meeting appointment for March 30 to review Open Space Plan).  

  • Communications
  • Press release on summer program
Team reviewed and approved announcement.  Announcement included: swim lesson registration, lifeguard hours, town beach hours, yoga program, kayaking program, senior walking program, tennis league and summer road race.  Wildman suggested including a boilerplate to encourage people to visit the website to learn more about the programs and events the Commission is planning.  The Commission agreed.  The release also included several suggested breakout stories including: news on the Persons renovation project, profile on Kathy Breen and David Cudmore, volunteer briefs, etc.

  • Easter announcement
Team reviewed and approved announcement.

  • Admin
  • Review FY10 expenditures/Update tracking doc
  • Discuss needed website updates
Regan informed the Commission that the  admin rights for website changed to Commission secretary, Susan Greene.  Greene was unable to make the needed updates, so Regan posted the upcoming news items, as well as made overdue changes such as creating a searchable calendar of events.  

David Cudmore of Still River Outfitters attended the March 3 meeting.  The Commission agreed to add a kayaking page to the Parks and Recreation page.  Regan asked if he approved the blurb for the press release/website and Cudmore said it was fine.  He said he would send the spring/summer brochure that the Commission could paste online as well as several photos from the fall 09 sessions.  Regan agreed to post the information once it was received.  Regan also recommended including a link for “photo of the month” to help drive traffic to the site and interest in P&R activities.  The Commission agreed with the update to the site.  Sidopoulos suggested a “meet the commission” link that would list the roles and responsibilities of Parks and Recreation.  The Commission agreed.  

  • Expenses
No expenses submitted.

  • Organizing volunteers/email distribution lists
Not discussed.

  • Online calendar status
Regan updated the Parks and Recreation calendar (using Google Calendar) and asked the Commission to review and make suggestions to the calendar as well as to the site in whole.

  • Response to Harvard Parks and Rec. about sign policy at Memorial
Regan informed the Commission that she responded to the Harvard Parks and Recreation contact with regard to the sign policy at Memorial.  Sidopoulos secured the policy from the BYB.

  • Candidates for caucus
The Commission agreed to nominate Tom Wildman – 1 year; Daniel Teague – 3-year and Lori Colby – 3-year.

  • Scheduling portable toilets
The Commission discussed the portable toilet needs for the spring/summer/fall season.  Regan to contact Dave’s Septic and place order based on the schedule decided by the Commission.  FY10 budget did not factor in a unit for lacrosse teams for spring season. Wildman suggested that the Commission establish a regular calendar of when/how many units will be delivered/removed.  Reviewing the calendar, the Commission decided that a reasonable schedule would be April 1 – November 1.  If the individual sports leagues required units longer than that period, it would be their responsibility to provide one.  Commission did not vote on this schedule.

  • Revolving account
Regan informed the Commission that the Board of Selectmen requested a meeting with us on March 11 to discuss the Commission’s revolving account proposal/article.  Regan told the Commission that there were some concerns regarding the revolving account and that the Selectmen wanted to better understand why we wanted to establish one.  

  • Annual Report
Regan shared the summary submitted for the Commission’s annual report.  The Commission approved the summary.

  • Site walks for non-developed properties
  • Other Business
  • Regan told the Commission that she had spoken with Terry Abdalian, Friends of Bolton Seniors, about setting up a table to sell their Beach Blankets during the swim kayaking registration.  The Commission agreed to allow the FOBS to sell their blankets during registration.  
  • Team discussed Easter Event and assigned action items.